September Speaker: Denise Silva

It is timely that we were able to schedule Denise Silva as our first speaker for the new year on September 1. She is an expert in all things post-processing and Photoshop, and she will share her wisdom and ideas with us as we prepare our photos for the year’s competitions.  More specifically, she will discuss the latest version of layers in Photoshop, and masks.

Denise Silva

Denise Silva

 She was the featured photographer in the July/August 2015 Photoshop User Magazine Who’s Who in the Kelbyone Community article. She is an educator and generously shares her knowledge with her students and clients. She has lectured at Nature Vision exhibits. And she creates videos for youTube.

 She finds every aspect of photography rewarding.  From in-camera composition to post-processing, she feels that photography is meditative, creative, and challenging. Her passion is to capture images, from landscapes to urban decay and to share her experiences and knowledge with fellow photographers.

 To that end, she and Don Rosenberger started Road Runner Photography Tours. These excursions take her clients to great places, both local and abroad, as well as to provide them with an opportunity to create a network of photography friends. The tours offer weekend meetups to week-long tours for photographers of every level.

 If you wish to learn more about Denise, her photos or her tours, go to or