Seminar Night – Third Thursday Meeting

Our new and improved Seminar Night on the 3rd Thursday of each month will offer on a rotating basis:

  • Education
  • Discussion of photographic topics
  • Hands on workshops 

The first Seminar of the season, on September 15, will be an open photographic discussion.  The main topic will be “Something I Learned this Summer”.  Think back on the photographs you took, did you learn something about your equipment, yourself or even a place you visited?  Perhaps you read something in the news that taught you something photographically. 

Keeping with the main topic bring an image or two (preferably prints) that you shot over the summer, and we’ll also “debrief” each other on the recent field trip to the Lonaconing Silk Mill.  So bring in your shots and talk about the experience. We will have the usual book reports, gallery reviews, equipment and software discussions, or any photo related topic on your mind. Anyone who wishes to give a 5 to 10 minute presentation should get in touch with Dave: