Bosque Wildlife, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

Nov 27 – Dec 1, 2017

Co-leaders: Irene Hinke-Sacilotto & Sandy Zelasko

Along the Rio Grande River, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge covers more than 57,000 acres and is a major wintering ground for cranes and waterfowl.  Refuge personnel manage the water levels of its wetlands and impoundments to simulate what was once the seasonal flow of water from the Rio Grande before the river was damned and the flow altered.  To feed the huge number of birds visiting the refuge each year, nearby fields are planted with corn, wheat, millet, and other grains.  Loop roads transect the refuge marshes and fields and provide prime sites for wildlife viewing and photography.  Duck species that may be seen include shovelers, buffleheads, pintails, teal and others.  Other species include eagles, hawks, turkeys, meadowlarks, quail, roadrunners, coyotes, and mule deer.

In late November and early December, large flocks of snow geese and sandhill cranes will be present on the refuge.  At night to escape predators, the birds flock to the marshes and shallow pools.  With dawn, the snow geese and other waterfowl rise in mass from the wetlands and sweep overhead on their way to feed in nearby fields.  Each day we will arrive at the refuge at dawn to capture images of this spectacle and more.  After a short mid-day break, we will return to the refuge and continue photographing until sundown. 

See and for details.

To register, contact Sandy Zelasko with Sandra Lee Photography, Phone: 760-749-2174

For an updated schedule of programs and recent blogs see:

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