Welcome Back!

I hope everyone enjoyed their summer and is ready to participate in our 2018 – 2019 club year. The board and chair positions have been working hard this summer to ensure we have a well-planned and full agenda. Look in the Cable Release and on our website for updated information.

I’d like to introduce our board members. Tanya Riseman is our returning Vice President, Bruce Schaefer is returning as Treasurer, our new Secretary is Gerry Woods, and I am returning as President.  Our directors are Michael Koren, Bob Catlett, and Pete Morton (new this year).

Our current chair positions are Larry Gold as Competition Chair, Andrew Rein and Phil Boyer as Field Trip Chair, Norm Bernache is our Historian, Dennis Freeman as Newsletter Editor and Mark Paster as Webmaster.  Renee Schaefer is the Program Chair, and Lisa Auerbach is helping with Membership.

I want to thank all those who participate and volunteer to make this a successful group. We are looking for more help this year. Please consider volunteering some time to help the chair positions and transition some our current chair positions.

We added more new members at the end of last year and look forward to meeting new people with our gatherings posted on Meetup. If you are not a member of Meetup, please reach out and we can get you signed up to help let you know what we are doing each week. We are enjoying really good turnouts for our various meetings.

We have a list of field trips ready, speakers and judges lined up, and competition topics available. Get ready for another exciting year. I look forward to seeing everyone again over the next few weeks!
