December 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

Silver Spring Camera Club Board

December 30, 2020

Twelve Board members attended the December meeting.

Committee Chair Reports:

Treasurer: Bruce reported we have 65 members vs. 83 last year, seven of which are new.  Our income is projected to be $2,685 versus $3,520 last year at this time. Our expenses are projected to be $1,402 versus $2,426 last year with the biggest difference being rent paid last year. We are projecting a profit of $990 for the year. 

Other Reports:

Programming:  All speakers and judges are booked.

Competition:  We might want to look into getting more club involvement in selecting topics this year. Skill sets, 2-year limits, only 2 open categories were mentioned. We could use skill sets in the Closer Focus as well. As an alternative for some people, we could talk about our images and set different themes. 

We have a back-up Zoom moderator – Kim Keller.

Other Topics: 

Venue for next year: Andrew will make up a list and we can contribute criteria for our search.  Andrew will make calls in the summer to see what we can find. 

Donation to the Chesapeake in lieu of a speaker fee for Glenn Thompson: The club decided on $50 and Karen will reach out to Glenn for a suggestion of where to contribute. 

Closer Focus Organizer:  David Powell would like to step away from the organizational part of the Closer Focus.  This would include the format and content portions

MPA: Michael reminded us that the MPA grant program will give money back to the clubs who have members register under their club names. 

Action Items:

Catherine to contact Dottie’s for the brass plaques

Dennis to finalize the on-line payment option. 

Karen to reach out to Glenn to find where to send our contribution.