Monthly Member Workflow

Beginning of the Month

If you are planning to enter competition, finish working on 2 photographs to submit for Digital Competition. Mat or mount 2 photographs for the Print Competition.

First Thursday

Attend the Speaker’s Night to gain inspiration and learn how a professional approaches photography. Submit Digital Competition Entries by the midnight deadline.

Second Thursday

Arrive early to sign in and turn in matted Print Competition Entries. (Use the template provided on the SSCC website.)

Listen to comments by the Judge about your photographs, and about others’ photographs, to learn how to see and develop work more critically.

Third Thursday

Based on the topic, come with questions to be answered, equipment to be used, or a few prints to discuss with fellow members.

Fourth Thursday

Read the agenda and come to the Board Meeting prepared to offer views on how to make the Club the best it can be. Please note that only Board members (officers and committee chairs) can vote.

Saturday Field Trip

Be sure that you know the meeting time and place, which are announced in the Cable Release and at Thursday night meetings.

Check out the venue on a website to see what shooting opportunities might present themselves.

Seek out other members who shoot similar equipment to ask questions and get tips on lenses, flash, etc.

End of the Month

Beginning of Month!